How to Install Google Chrome on Linux Without Using a Terminal

As we know, Google Chrome is a popular browser for now. The browser made by Google is certainly available on various platforms such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS. For the installation itself, it's actually quite easy. Especially if your laptop uses Linux and you want to install this browser.

Speaking of installing Google Chrome on Linux, this time the author will tell you how to install Google Chrome on Debian-based Linux without using a terminal. Why did I make this tutorial? Because as we know, Debian-based Linux users such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, BlankOn and even Debian themselves are pretty much too and incidentally some of them are certainly still confused by the use of the terminal on the Linux distribution.

Here's how to install Google Chrome on Linux without using a terminal.

Step By Step :

1. Open the browser first to download the Google Chrome file.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

2. Open the Google Chrome site.

3. Click Download Chrome.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

4. After that, select the package with the format. Deb and if so, click Accept and Install.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

5. If it's like this, just click Save.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

6. Wait until the download process is complete.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

7. After the raw Google Chrome file is downloaded, just go directly to the folder where you saved the file and after that just double click on the file.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

8. Click Install Package, the position is also in the lower right.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

9. Enter your login password and wait until the installation process is complete.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

10. After the installation process, Google Chrome is ready to use.

So the tutorial how to install Google Chrome on Linux without using a terminal. Good luck.

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